The Old Print Shop

Bernicla Brenta [Brent Goose].

  • ARTIST: John Gould

  • PUBLISHER: Published in London.

  • MEDIUM: Lithograph, original hand color.

    DATE: 1862-73.

  • EDITION SIZE: Image size 11 5/8 x 16" (296 x 407 mm).

  • DESCRIPTION: Drawn by Gould and H. C. Richter. Printed by Walter. From John Gould's "The Birds of Great Britain." Although not formally trained, John Gould (1804-1881) became one of the great ornithological scientists and artists of the 19th century. Even Charles Darwin insisted that only Gould could draw and prepare the bird plates for his reports. His large-folio volumes included hundreds of hand-colored lithographs each, showing species from around the world in their natural habitats. Beginning with his volume on Himalayan birds in 1831-32, Gould traveled the world with his assistants and his wife, Elizabeth (until her death in 1841), searching out exotic and beautiful birds to draw. The Birds of Great Britain was the last Gould work to be completed in his lifetime. It was limited to an edition of 500. [Buchanan, Nature into Art, 126ff. Skipworth, Great Birds Illustrators, 60-114]


  • CONDITION: Good condition, save a minor mat line. Original color.

  • REFERENCE: Buchanan, Nature into Art, 126ff. Skipworth, Breat Bird Illustrators, 60-114.