The Old Print Shop

Niagara Falls. Part of the American Fall, from the foot of the Stair Case. [and] Niagara Falls. Part of the British Fall, from under Table Rock.

  • ARTIST: William Bennett

  • PUBLISHER: Published by H. I. Megarey, New York.

  • MEDIUM: Aquatint and engraving handcolored,

    DATE: 1829-30.

  • EDITION SIZE: Image sizes 20 1/4 x 16 5/8" (51.5 x 42.2 cm).

  • DESCRIPTION: Painted by W. J. Bennett. Engraved by by J. Hill. An extraordinary view of the Falls by the two masters of American aquatint engraving. "Niagara Falls. Part of the British Fall" is first of two states.


  • CONDITION: Good condition, save for small tears in the margins not affecting the image. Fine original handcoloring.

  • REFERENCE: Deak, Picturing America #363, 364; Lane, Impressions of Niagara #84, 85; Koke, Checklist of John Hill #135, 136.