PUBLISHER: Published by "Direccion de Hidrografia", Madrid.
MEDIUM: Copper plate engraving,
DATE: 1808-1846
EDITION SIZE: 22 3/4 x 34 3/4" (57.5 x 88.2 cm) plus margins
DESCRIPTION: A fine and quite scarce Spanish produced sea chart of the Northern Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. Includes Cuba, Florida, Bahamas, the Mississippi delta and Texas coastline, which labeled “Republica de Tejas.” First issued in 1808 this impressions notes corrections or updates in 1813, 1814 and 1846. Gives soundings, shoals, and general costal information. Lighthouses are noted with small red and yellow hand colored dots. Inset charts show : "Plano de la Aguadilla" and "Plano de Baxo del Alacran levantado en 1803." The Direccion de Hidrografia was the official Spanish government agency for issuing nautical charts. These charts issued by them are seldom seen in the market.
CONDITION: Very good condition. Original color , lighthouses.