ARTIST: Thomas A. J. Southwell
PUBLISHER: Vincent Brooks Day & Son. Lith. London.
MEDIUM: Multi-stone lithograph
DATE: c.1867.
EDITION SIZE: Image size 9 3/4 x 14 3/8" (24.8 x 36.5 cm)
DESCRIPTION: This lithograph is from a series of prints entitled "Sporting Scenes in Kansas". In 1866 Viscount Southwell and companions, traveled to Kansas for a hunting trip. A series of prints (approximately fourteen) were privately produced for the artist and his friends. The series is considered quite rare. In "America on Stone", Harry T. Peters refers to them as interesting and extremely scarce. This view shows a Native American camp at the point where the course of the Arkansas River bends east then southeast. The town of Great Bend, Kansas was founded in 1871.
CONDITION: Good condition save for some short tears along sheet edges. Three tiny pin-holes within image.