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  • Vineyard Sound and Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts.

Vineyard Sound and Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts.


  • PUBLISHER: Published by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.

  • MEDIUM: Engraving,

    DATE: 1907-08.

  • EDITION SIZE: 28 x 31 3/8" plus margins.

  • DESCRIPTION: A highly detailed sea chart of Buzzards Bay, Elizabeth Islands and Martha's Vineyard Bay. Noted are channels, sandbars, wrecks, rocks and other hazards to navigation. Shows contours and roads along the shoreline. .This chart was first issued in 1907 and was updated and updated to 1908. Published by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, O.H. Tittmann, Superintendent.


  • CONDITION: Good condition save for some tears primarily along sheet edges & some minor stains. Overall not bad for a working sea chart of the period. Channel markers and buoys colored and blue added to shorelines and shallows.



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