ARTIST: G. Woolworth Colton
PUBLISHER: Published by G. W. & C.B. Colton & Co. New York
MEDIUM: Stone engraving on cloth.
DATE: 1862
EDITION SIZE: Image 70 x 48 5/8" (123.6 x 178 cm)
DESCRIPTION: A mammoth and colorful separately issued 1862 missionary map<br><br> This amazing map depicts the Apostle Paul's four missionary journeys. The first occurred around 45 AD and the last around 60-61 AD with his fourth and final voyage to Rome. Joseph Hutchins Colton and his sons Charles and George produced a small number of these oversized teaching maps and charts in response to a demand from missionary societies and religious educators. They also produced an even more massive missionary map of the world that was also printed on linen. This map was made for as a hanging display with brass grommets along the top edge (two of four missing). Printed on four separate sections of linin, sewed together than hand colored.<br><br>”Zincography of G. Woolworth Colton.”<br><br> These maps are today quite rare as most were discarded or destroyed by use and time.
CONDITION: Remarkably good condition for a map of this type. With the exception of the loss of the two outer brass grommets on the top and occasional minor stain or soft crease the map has survived very well. Bright original hand coloring.