ARTIST: Johann Elert Bode
MEDIUM: Copper plate engraving,
DATE: 1801.
EDITION SIZE: Image size 22 1/4 x 30" (56.8 x 76.1 cm)
DESCRIPTION: <strong>A beautiful celestial chart from Johann Elert Bode's “Uranographia.”</strong><br><br> The plate depicts the constellations of Aries, the two Pisces and Musca. In the background are other constellations including Perseus (foot), and Andromeda, Pegasus (tail).<br><br> "The most elaborate atlas of stars and constellations published to date and perhaps the last great star atlas." - David Rumsey<br><br> Johann Elert Bode (1747-1826) Hamburg.<br><br> German astronomer best known for his popularization of Bode’s law, or the Titius-Bode rule, an empirical mathematical expression for the relative mean distances between the Sun and its planets. .<br><br> Bode became Director of the Berlin Observatory in 1786, where he remained until 1825. In 1801 he published the Uranographia, a celestial atlas that aimed both at scientific accuracy in showing the positions of stars and other astronomical objects, as well as the artistic interpretation of the stellar constellation figures.
CONDITION: Good condition and color.