ARTIST: William Russell Birch
MEDIUM: Copper plate engraving.
DATE: 1800 (1841).
EDITION SIZE: Image size 8 x 10 7/8" (20.3 x 27.5 cm)
DESCRIPTION: Designed and Published by W. Birch, Enamel Painter 1800; Republished by Desilver 1841. <br><br> One of William and Thomas Birch views of the city of Brotherly Love.<br><br> Morris' mansion, begun about 1796 and unfinished as a result of his bankruptcy, was demolished in 1800, the building materials sold to finance creditors.<br><br> William Birch and his son Thomas produced a series of 28 views of Philadelphia, which at the time was the Capital of the United States.<br><br> "The Birch set of twenty-eight views within the city was so intensive in the planning and so effective in execution as to make all earlier efforts - no matter how important individually - simply sparks of light in a great void. Birch illumined. His aim was not to commemorate a single event or to show a new structure, but to record a city. He systematically reviewed its whole extent and both its public and private buildings. Even that was only part of his approach. He wanted to portray not only the background for living, but also to show the full quality of that living itself: the vitality of the place; the atmosphere of expansion and growth; the busyness of its streets with market life; Indians; soldiery; and citizenry." Martin Snyder.<br><br>
CONDITION: Good condition and color.