The Old Print Shop

The Meeting.

  • ARTIST: Thomas Hart Benton

  • PUBLISHER: Associated American Artists.

  • MEDIUM: Lithograph,

    DATE: 1941

  • EDITION SIZE: Edition 250. Image size 8 7/8 x 11 1/2" (22.3 x 29.1 cm).

  • DESCRIPTION: Signed in pencil and in plate. Dedicated to Marjorie and Henry from the Fowler Decker Combination..<br><br> "This print is more like a drawing than the other lithos and shows the interior of a country church with a man preaching. <br><br> Meeting house in the mountains of West Virginia. Drawing made in 1928. Litho. reproductions drawing almost exactly litho probably made in '38." Thomas Hart Benton <br><br>


  • CONDITION: Very good condition.

  • REFERENCE: Fath #47.