ARTIST: John Reed
PUBLISHER: Published by Charles L. Warner, No. 29 South 6th Street, Philadelphia.
MEDIUM: Lithograph,
DATE: 1774, (1870)
EDITION SIZE: Segmented case map,29 1/2 x 58 1/4" plus margins
DESCRIPTION: This is a lithographic copy of Reeds highly important map. In 1774 John Reed published this detailed map of Philadelphia and the lands or “liberties” that surrounded the city in order to confront the Penn family which he claimed had taken lands that he thought rightfully belonged to him. In 1681 an agreement between William Penn and the first purchasers of land within the city limits entitled them to an addition piece of land or premium in an area just outside of the city which were known as the “liberities.” The map was issued to illustrate a small book published to forward his claim. Unfortunately he failed to gain any land. The map shows information as to the actual lay-out of the city at the time, and the grants in the liberties. In the lower right as a large inset of Thomas Holmes original “portraiture” of the city. Also illustrated are vignette illustrations of the Philadelphia Hospital, State House, Alms House and comparative tables naming the "first purchaser’s" and "those who took up the lands".
ADDITIONAL INFO: This example was segmented into nine segemnts and mounted on linen.
CONDITION: Good condition save for some minor losses along segment edges. New Linen backing. Original hand coloring.
REFERENCE: Snyder, M. P. "City of Independence Views of Philadelphia before 1800" #41b