The Old Print Shop

Anthony Wayne

  • ARTIST: Alonzo Chappel

  • PUBLISHER: Published by Johnson, Fry, & Co., New York.

  • MEDIUM: Steel engraving; hand colored,

    DATE: 1863.

  • EDITION SIZE: Image size 7 1/4 x 5 3/4" (185 x 145 mm).

  • DESCRIPTION: A portrait of Anthony Wayne, captured as a steel engraving and colorized to highlight the details. Published in 1863 by Johnson, Fry, & Co., New York. Anthony Wayne, also known as Mad Anthony Wayne, was an officer in the American Revolution. He earned his moniker in 1779 when his forces took the British fortification at Stony Point. The mission had been thought impossible, yet he succeeded with minimal losses and captured nearly 500 British soldiers.

  • ADDITIONAL INFO: The piece is in a mat for handling.

  • CONDITION: Good condition, save some minor soiling in the margins.