ARTIST: Henry William Bunbury
PUBLISHER: Published, April 12, 1801 by S.W. Fores
MEDIUM: Etching
DATE: 1801.
EDITION SIZE: Image size, 8 5/8 x 9 1/16" (21.9 x 21.7" cm)
DESCRIPTION: H.W. Bunbury delin.; Chas. Bretherton Junr. F. (engraver).<br><br> One of a series of barbershop scenes that Bunbury produced.. In this image the barber and shave face the viewer Wigs hang on the back wall amongst various prints and broadsides. A shaggy dog stands to the right, a wig hanging right above its head to comical effect.
ADDITIONAL INFO: Printed on laid paper.
CONDITION: Good condition. B/W.
REFERENCE: BM Satires 4756